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Paleo Dieting Made Simple – How to Meal Prep & Plan for the Paleo Diet

FREE Paleo Tips & Recipes – The 5-7-15 Paleo Diet Cook Book

Inside the FREE 5-7-15 PALEO Diet cook book you will learn a lot more about this lifestyle change and how to get started.

Nurse Practitioner and Weight Loss Expert Carissa Alinat sat down with Coach Chris Wilson at Critical Bench to share her expertise and experience with Paleo diet. Not only is she a nutritionist, she has personal experience using the Paleo diet that has helped her maintain her current weight for years now after losing 70 lbs!

If your goal is to lose some unwanted fat and get healthier by cutting out processed foods, the PALEO DIET is for you. Unlike many other diet programs that seem temporary or have a bunch of shakes and bars to get you by, the paleo diet is a long term solution because it is sustainable.

The Paleo Diet can be a great option for people struggling to improve their health and lose some unwanted fat. With Paleo you CAN eat foods like: fish & seafood, roots, leafy and salad vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, eggs, grass fed beef & poultry and healthy oils.

Real whole foods that taste good while minimizing how much “junk” food is in your diet. Basically it’s about removal of processed and artificial foods and getting back to eating like it’s a few hundred or few thousand years ago.

Within this video you’ll see that get the BEST tips and tricks on how to meal prep and plan for the Paleo diet. Carissa reveals how simple it can be IF you apply the tips shared in this video so sit back, pay attention, and enjoy. And if you have any comments or questions, please post them now below in the Comment section.

Thanks for watching!

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