

“Every recipe ” how appropriate.
3:00 First i wasn’t sure if i liked them. They have vanilla, caramel ,and chocolate crisps.

Don’t believe the HYPE, celiacs can’t handle ANY GRAINS. NOT even ancient grains that are naturally gluten free.

This snack is here to stay. This isn’t a temporary item at ALDIS. The first woman I talked to was rude when I asked here where these snacks were.
She said they were all throughout the store, these simply nature brands.
Maybe she really didn’t know where they were at but they moved them over right by the BREAD. They were at an end isle right there by the bread isle last time.
And sometimes they are at that end isle labled Simply Nature, but they were not there.
This was the first time I saw them shoved right there by the bread. So I told another woman oh here they are. I asked if they are a temp item and she said NO.
I keep thinking there is almond flour in these but there is not. The last ingredient is almond flavor. Not almond flour. There are still some slight chemicals in some of their products (Simply Nature). I have tasted some in the simple nature grain/CORN chips over two years ago. They were GF (yea right bitches) , but still had corn rice and other stuff
Corn and RICE is NOT gluten free bitches!!!! IT HAS GLUTEN IN THEM. The gluten that is in CORN starts with a Z. Rice I am not sure but It still has its OWN gluten in it.
I assume they all do so that is why I don’t touch oat meal or any grains.
So really the only thing celiacs can eat is Paleo processed stuff and whole foods NOT shit labeled GLUTEN FREE. THIS INFO IS BEING SURPRESSED.
These were 2.99 yesterday these crisps. I bought them before and they were like $3.29.

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