Breakfast Recipes

Paleo Breakfast Sandwich Made w/ Paleo Bread™

This here is a quick and easy way to get your day going. I have loved breakfast sandwiches for as long as I can remember but over the past several years, I realized I would either get a stomach ache or feel really tired after eating one. This time, I felt satisfied but no stomach pain and no tired feeling. So if this was another indication of my body liking this lifestyle, then wonderful! Time to get started with the recipe.

• 2 slices of Coconut Paleo Bread™, toasted
• 1 organic egg, over-easy
• 1 slice organic turkey bacon, folded
• Any side of fruit that you prefer (Remember, if it is melon, eat it alone!)

1. Toast the 2 slices of Coconut Paleo Bread™ in a small frying pan in coconut oil.
2. Cook organic egg in another small frying pan
3. Cook slice of organic turkey bacon in another small frying pan
4. Plate one slice of bread, place egg and bacon on that slice and top with other slice
5. Cut fruit & plate (I used blackberries and cantaloupe)

Prep Time:
• 5 minutes
Cook Time:
• 5 minutes
• 1 person

Well, that was quick. Should be an easy one for you. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Thanks so much for reading once again about my journey to the complete Paleo lifestyle. I will try to post my adventures daily at I hope you enjoyed the video as well. Stay tuned, and remember to get healthy and stay there!

By: Paleo Nate

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