Breakfast Recipes

Healthy Recipe Idea: Waffles but not as you know them!

Ditch the grain flours, make waffles this way instead! Swap flour for mince / ground meat and you’ll have an energy boosting and sustaining (for many hours!) breakfast!

Make a big batch on the weekend to heat up in the mornings if you need to rush out the door early. Or you don’t like cooking daily. I do of course because it’s an autopilot thing for me now but not everyone likes or wants to!

This is a carnivore version but you can also add pure herbs and spices, top with veggies or even honey if that’s your jam.

Primal Health Coach + food lover
#healthyrecipes #cooking #carnivore #paleo #breakfast #familyfood #easymeals #meat #eggs #waffles #eathealthy

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