Breakfast Recipes

Quick & Easy Paleo Meal Idea for Weight Loss #weightloss #foodie

If you’re ever looking for simplicity in a meal plan check out Paleo! I love Paleo meals because they can be quick and easy to make without a lot of prep time.

Here’s another quick and easy Paleo breakfast idea that I’ve incorporated into the 75 Hard Challenge meal plan. Who knew you could make pancakes with a banana and eggs 🤷🏽‍♀️☺️

**Banana Pancakes**

1 medium banana
2 medium eggs
Cinnamon to taste
1/2 tsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp ground flaxseed

Mash banana in bowl. Add eggs and mix well. Add cinnamon and mix well. Heat coconut oil on griddle over medium high heat. Pour batter into pancake form. Lightly brown both sides. Sprinkle with ground flaxseed. Enjoy!

(Pure maple syrup can be substituted for the ground flaxseed to keep the recipe Paleo, if desired).

#paleoeats #mealplans #paleorecipes #paleofood #bananapancakes #foodie #blackwomenlosingweight #vsgfood #wlsfood #healthyeatingideas

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