Dinner Recipes

In my Paleo Breakfast Ideas article, one of my recommendations was a smoothie made out of a base of either crushed ice or coconut milk. I know for a lot of people, smoothies are a no-brainer, but I’m sure that having a more specific recipe will help a lot of people make the best concoctions and
To prepare the sauce, place the mint, parsley, garlic, and chili, if using, in the bowl of a food processor and process to chop roughly. 2 cups fresh mint leaves, 1 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, 6 garlic cloves, 1 green chili Add the mustard, season to taste with salt and pepper, and process again
Fermentation and lacto-fermentation have been around for a very long time, mainly as a means to preserve food over long periods of time when refrigeration wasn’t available. Today more and more people are rediscovering those old methods of preserving food because the taste is amazing, but also because it’s a great way to consume probiotics. Lacto-fermented
Snacking is often regarded as unhealthy, but this is mainly due to the fact that most popular snacks contain some pretty nasty ingredients. Even if a healthy Paleo diet helps keep hunger at bay and even if eating every few hours is not a particularly good habit to have, it doesn’t mean that snacking is out of
Do you ever have that one dish that you can’t get enough of? I’m sure you have. You know, it’s the one that you make way too often, and you’re borderline getting sick of it, but you still just can’t stop! That’s what this salad is for me. It’s not just any salad, though; it’s
More often than not, the recipes I share here come along with a story. This is usually the case because I get my inspiration for many things throughout my everyday life. So what’s today’s story? Well, a good friend of mine recently asked for my help as she’s planning one of the most important days
I often want to cook something different when it comes to holidays and special events without going too much off the beaten path. A few years ago, I came across this recipe, and it was just the perfect change it needed to make a whole roast chicken recipe feel new again. The combination of grapes
This two-part recipe puts a tropical twist on a cut of meat that could otherwise be bland and boring (skinless chicken breast), proving that with a great recipe, it’s possible to make any cut shine. The first step is to make the pineapple sauce. If you can get a Paleo-friendly pineapple sauce at the store,
From mini meatloaves to asparagus, is there anything that isn’t better wrapped in bacon? The Paleo bacon cult can get a little over the top, but there’s a reason why it’s so popular: crispy and succulent at the same time, shining with delicious fat, bacon stands ready to lend its flavor to anything that needs
Are you hankering for something cold and sweet to finish off a summertime dinner? Maybe something a little more sophisticated than popsicles, but not quite as time-consuming as ice cream? Then you’ve come to the right place – this creamy fruit pudding is simple to throw together and easy to dress up or down, in
After the asparagus bonanza of late spring, summertime is tomato season, the perfect time to enjoy this delicious and refreshing “vegetable” (technically a fruit) straight from the field, with no freezer trucks or months of storage between you and the vine. Here’s a quick and classic dinner recipe for appreciating the tomato bounty in style,
When it comes to appetizers, some people love hand-crafting the perfect tiny bites of food and spreading them out on the perfect color-coordinated platter for their guests to admire. Other people would rather worry about the entrée and find it stressful or annoying to put together all those little appetizers. But whichever camp you’re in,
Let us take a guess: in your pre-Paleo life, you adored pizza, and you desperately miss it, but at the same time, you haven’t found a good enough gluten-free pizza to authentically replace it. We’re with you. You can make a mini pizza from a portobello cap or crust made from cauliflower, but it isn’t
Did you know that the pomegranate has been a symbol of love and fertility as far back as ancient Greece? If you’re looking for an appropriate Valentine’s Day treat, you couldn’t get much more appropriate – and pomegranates aren’t the only fruit with a story to tell. Other berry meanings include raspberries (kindness) and strawberries
Satisfy your meat cravings with these tender and flavorful paleo beef short ribs. Slow cooked to perfection, they’re a delicious and satisfying meal that’s perfect for any occasion Mushrooms are a wonderful addition to the roasting process for added depth of flavor. Calories: 537kcal | Carbohydrates: 16g | Protein: 46g | Fat: 22g | Saturated
Sometimes, classic recipes are the most fun to modify: you get the familiarity of a favorite lunch, with just one or two little pleasant surprises to help you appreciate the dish even more. It’s a way to rediscover what you’ve always loved about a traditional recipe and maybe even to get some modification ideas of
This recipe is a real celebration of all things pepper: the steak is first marinated in a peppery vinaigrette and then stir-fried with sweet pepper slices and Asian-inspired spices to create a zippy, tingly stir-fry with pleasantly crunchy vegetables complementing the thin strips of meat. The marinade in this recipe uses coconut aminos – a
The dip is one of those recipes that really have no reason not to be Paleo-friendly, but somehow it’s almost impossible to find in stores (a little bit like good salad dressing). So instead of going little nuts trying to find a dip that follows Paleo guidelines, why not make your own? It’s an opportunity
Enjoy all the good parts about pasta, but skip the stomachache afterward with this 100% Paleo “pasta” made from spaghetti squash. If you’ve never worked with spaghetti squash before, it’s very easy – all you have to do is remove the seeds, bake it, and then scrape out the flesh with a fork; the insides
We all know that Paleo isn’t about huge chunks of meat all the time. We know it’s not about re-creating some mythical “caveman lifestyle” or hauling home raw bison shanks to roast on a stick and tear into with your bare hands. But sometimes, you just do want that primal, primitive satisfaction of treating your
The latest fashion in turkey roasting this Thanksgiving was butterflying the bird (cutting out the backbone and flattening the turkey to cook it more evenly), but if you missed the butterflied-turkey parade, you can still experiment with applying the same technique to a chicken. In fact, a chicken is even better to learn about since
Jam making is a traditional way to preserve all the wild fruits of the summer and save all that nutritional goodness for the darker months ahead. Traditional recipes for jam cover everything from strawberries and raspberries to quinces, currants, and gooseberries, but here’s one for a big pile of fresh cherries. It’s perfect if you’re
Looking for something with a serious flavor? These spicy-sweet chicken wings have it all: first, they pick up some spice in the marinade, and after they’re cooked, they’re coated in a tangy honey-balsamic glaze (with optional sriracha if you really like it kicky). To get the best flavor, the recipe goes a little further than
Shredded pork roast is a family-friendly classic, especially with some balsamic vinegar in the mix to brighten up the flavor a little and just enough red pepper flakes to make it pop. If you’re using a fattier pork roast, like a shoulder roast, the vinegar is also a welcome way to cut the fattiness of
Missing sushi? Not the cheap imitation-crab kind you get for $5.99 at the grocery store, but the really good kind, with top-quality fish, that someone picked out by hand? Here’s a recipe to help scratch that itch: tuna tartare with just a little bit of spice, spooned onto crisp cucumber slices with nori as a
Crunchy and juicy, with just a little snap from the red onions, melon salsa is a refreshing topping for chicken or steak or even piled over a burger. It’s equally good on fish or other seafood; why not try it over some tuna steak or cod? Or maybe with shrimp? Salsa is also a perfect
Does anything smell more like high summer than fresh, newly-crushed basil? Even without a ripe tomato as its partner-in-crime, basil brings an irresistible herbal flavor (not to mention a mouthwatering smell!) to these pork chops in the form of a quick and simple wet rub. With some lemon along for the ride, it’s a very